Sunday, December 14, 2014

Preparation for Dec. 18th

December's Principle:

Hope, being Positive, and having Vision

Spend 1 hour to accomplish the work of an Apprentice.

Spend 1 1/2 hour to accomplish the work of a Journeyman.

Spend over 2 hours to accomplish the work of Master.


If you finished the inspirements from last week, WAHOO! You are awesome and are that much ahead in understanding about HOPE, being POSITIVE, and having VISION. Here are 3 inspirements for you to work on this week:

(If you didn't do last week's inspirements, do those first - see below I have listed them again for you).

1. Choose and memorize scripture: Study these scripture verses on HOPE that we talked about in class. Choose the one that moves you or that you particularly like. Write it down in your truth book. Memorize it.

  • If ye have faith...nothing shall be impossible unto you." Matthew 17:20
  • "And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purposes." Romans 8:28
  • "If God be for us, who can prevail against us?" Romans 8:31
  • " is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if you have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true." Alma 32:21
  • "Wherefore, whoso believeth in God might with surety hope for a better world...which hope cometh of faith, maketh an anchor to the souls of men, which would make them sure and steadfast, always abounding in good works, being led to glorify God." Ether 12:4
  • "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Philippians 4:13
  • "Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward." Doctrine and Covenants 6:33
  • "Therefore, fear not, little flock; do good; let earth adn hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail." Doctrine and Covenants 6:34
  • "Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you." Doctrine and Covenants 6:5

2. Visualize living your Divine Purpose: Think about the long list of Spiritual Gifts and Missions (co-missions with Jesus Christ) that we talked about in class. Write in your Truth Book which ones seem to resonate with your heart. Which ones get you excited? Which of these can you see yourself doing? What does it look like for you personally to do these things? Dream a little and imagine doing some of these things in your life. Write about your hopes and aspirations in these areas. Here is the list again after the pictures:

    • feed the hungry
    • comfort those that stand in need of comfort
    • clothe the naked
    • free the captive
    • share knowledge
    • create beauty
    • bring hope to the hopeless
    • teach words of wisdom
    • gift of tongues
    • gift of translation of tongues
    • heal the sick
    • lift the down-trodden
    • do acts of great faith
    • work mighty miracles
    • gift of administration
    • prophesy
    • testify of Christ
    • believe those that testify
    • behold angels and ministering of spirits
    • build Zion
    • spread Gospel of Jesus Christ

    How these gifts and missions might look like in your life:

    • humanitarian work near home or around the world
    • befriending the lonely
    • serving as a Bishop, Relief Society President, Young Women's President or Stake President
    • raising righteous children
    • leading a corporation
    • starting a business
    • writing a blog
    • going on a mission
    • becoming a mentor
    • counseling others
    • enforcing justice and the law
    • gaining an education to become a: doctor, lawyer, teacher, engineer, artist, architect, scientist, entrepreneur, movie producer, poet, songwriter, carpenter, writer, cook, musician etc.
    • lead an organization
    • invent new technologies
    • create inspiring art
    • write books
    • travel to exotic lands
    • solve world-wide problems
    • design temples
    • do geneology work

    3. Read the words of the Prophet about being positive here.

    Take note in your truth book of your thoughts and impressions while you read this.


    If you didn't finish the inspirements from last week, spend time this week working through them.

    Here they are:

    After spending time studying about these principles (see below), answer these questions in your Truth Book:

    1. How are these 3 principles (Hope, being Positive, and having Vision) related?
    2. What does having HOPE have to do with your divine purposes and life mission?
    3. Why is staying POSITIVE important in relation to fulfilling your mission and reaching your greatest potential?
    4. Why should you have a life VISION? How could that benefit you and propel you towards your dreams?
    5. Why would it be important to write down that life vision, record yourself saying it, and listen to your vision everyday?

    Learn all you can about HOPE, including the following resources:

    Learn all you can about being POSITIVE, including the following resoures

    • Watch this video about the power of words upon water.
    • Watch this video by Hillary Weeks about the power of words.
    • Watch this Mormon Message video, Come What May and Love It.
    • Conduct the Rice Experiment yourself . Here are some instructions. Give it a try for a few weeks. Bring it to class and share your results!

    Learn all you can about having VISION
    • Read this article from Deseret News from a recent BYU Devotional or listen to the devotional itself here.
    • Start thinking about your vision for your life. What do you want to become and accomplish for the year 2015? For the next 5 years? For your whole life? Remember to NOT dismiss impossibilities - things that seem way beyond the scope of your reach. Dream! Imagine! Think of the Possibilities! Nothing is impossible with God! What are some of your greatest desires for your life???
    • The following resource is a great place to get started thinking about your life vision: How to Create your Life's Vision








    Friday, December 5, 2014

    Preparation for Dec. 11th

    December's Principle:

    Hope, Being Positive, and having Vision

    Spend 1 hour to accomplish the work of an Apprentice.

    Spend 1 1/2 hour to accomplish the work of a Journeyman.

    Spend over 2 hours to accomplish the work of Master.

    After spending time studying about these principles (see below), answer these questions in your Truth Book:

    1. How are these 3 principles (Hope, being Positive, and having Vision) related?
    2. What does having HOPE have to do with your divine purposes and life mission?
    3. Why is staying POSITIVE important in relation to fulfilling your mission and reaching your greatest potential?
    4. Why should you have a life VISION? How could that benefit you and propel you towards your dreams?
    5. Why would it be important to write down that life vision, record yourself saying it, and listen to your vision everyday?

    Learn all you can about HOPE, including the following resources:

    Learn all you can about being POSITIVE, including the following resoures

    • Watch this video about the power of words upon water.
    • Watch this video by Hillary Weeks about the power of words.
    • Watch this Mormon Message video, Come What May and Love It.
    • Conduct the Rice Experiment yourself . Here are some instructions. Give it a try for a few weeks. Bring it to class and share your results!

    Learn all you can about having VISION
    • Read this article from Deseret News from a recent BYU Devotional or listen to the devotional itself here.
    • Start thinking about your vision for your life. What do you want to become and accomplish for the year 2015? For the next 5 years? For your whole life? Remember to NOT dismiss impossibilities - things that seem way beyond the scope of your reach. Dream! Imagine! Think of the Possibilities! Nothing is impossible with God! What are some of your greatest desires for your life???
    • The following resource is a great place to get started thinking about your life vision: How to Create your Life's Vision




    Friday, November 21, 2014

    Thanksgiving Break

    Principle: Preparation, you reap what you sow, small and simple things bring about great things. Law of the Harvest.

    Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Inspirement:
    For Thanksgiving Break your assignment is to enjoy yourselves, and to do this one particular thing:

    In light of our principle for this month, the Law of the Harvest, be mindful of sowing good, strong seeds in your family relationships. Doing so will bless your entire family for now and for the eternities! What blessings you will reap! This Thanksgiving, be the one in your family to purposely create an atmosphere of love, gratitude, and joy. :)

    And, be sure to check back on this blog on Monday, Dec. 1 to see what will be posted then in preparation for our next class!

    Thursday, November 13, 2014

    November 20

    Principle: Preparation, you reap what you sow, small and simple things bring about great things. Law of the Harvest.

    Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Inspirements are all in one this week.
    In preparation for this week's class please complete the following:
    *If you spend an hour doing these then that would be considered Apprentice work. If you do 1 1/2 hours that would be Journeyman level. If you spend 2 hours or more that would qualify for Master level.*

    1. Go to, click on the "Learn Principles" page and then click on the "How do I know when I've found a principle" and watch the speech on the Characteristics of Principles.  Take notes in your truth book and bring your thoughts and questions to class.

    2.  Take the following tests to discover more about yourself:

    3.  Read what you can online about the tests you have taken.  You will be able to read about these concepts after you take the above tests whiel you are on the website.  Or you can simply put the following titles or concepts into your search box and see what you find:

    • Keirsey Temperaments or concepts from Please Understand Me
    • The 5 Love Languages
    • Multiple Intelligences from Howard Gardner

    4.  Write down everything you have discovered about yourself and these ideas in your truth book and bring them to class.

    5. Continue working on memorizing Galatians 6:7-9. You have the month of November to memorize it.

    Friday, November 7, 2014

    November 13

    Principle: Preparation, you reap what you sow, small and simple things bring about great things. Law of the Harvest.

    Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Inspirements:
    1.  The inspirements for this week are a little different.  This week we will continue to work on the inspirements from last week, working to complete more of them. It would be great for everyone to do all of them. (If you've already finished them all, just go on to this next thing.)

    2.  In class I told you that I had asked a bunch of adults this question:
    "Looking back on your life, and especially your high school (and college years - if applicable,) what do you wish you would have done differently to prepare for adulthood? Also, you could flip the question and tell me things you did that you were so glad you did!"
    Many adults responded to the question and they have given really terrific insights! **Please print these off, read through them, discuss them with your parents, consider them, and see what inspiration you receive about your own plans and preparation for your future. Write your thoughts in your truth book.

      You will be SO glad you did this!


    Friday, October 31, 2014

    November 6

    Principle: Preparation, you reap what you sow, small and simple things bring about great things. Law of the Harvest.

    Apprentice Inspirements:

    1.  Revisit D&C 88:78-80 and read through it, paying special attention to the connection between verses 78-79 and verse 80.  Note how the first two verses relate to the education we are to obtain, and that verse 80 contains a promise. 
    What is that promise?  What connections do you see between gaining education and being prepared to magnify the calling/mission you’ve been called to? 
    Write your thoughts in your truth book.

    2. Watch the following short videos (each are just a little over 9 min.) and consider your options and plans for furthering your own education, whether it includes college or something else:

    Write your thoughts and plans/hopes for furthering your education in your truth book.
    3. Read two short sections from Preach My Gospel chapter 8:
    How to Set Goals pg 146
    Accountability pg 150-151
        (Here is the link to this chapter on, you’ll just have to scroll through quite a bit of info before reaching these two short sections.)
    -Consider how these two sections apply to you.

    4. Begin memorizing Galatians 6:7-9. You have the month of November to memorize it.

    Loving this? Remember, Journeyman and Master level inspirements are just below for those who want to do MORE. :)

    Journeyman Inspirement:

    Do the Personal Study section at the end of PMG chp 8 pg 152, but change the word “Missionary” to “High School Student” as follows:
        “Take a few moments and think about your final day of your high school preparation.  When that day comes:
        What do want to say you have accomplished as a high school student?
        What do you want to have become?
        What difference would you want others to notice in you?
    In your truth book, write an answer to each of these questions. Determine what you need to do now to realize these goals. Write the plans that come to mind."

    Master Inspirement: 

    Interview 2-3 adults that you admire (at least one should be a non-family member) and ask them the following question: “Looking back on your life, and especially your high school (and college years - if applicable,) what do you wish you would have done differently to prepare for adulthood?”
    Ponder their responses and consider what things in your life you may find hard to do or follow through with (or perhaps things you haven’t even considered) that perhaps you will one day wish you had done. Write the thoughts and inspiration that come to you in your truth book.

    Friday, October 24, 2014

    October 30

    Principle: You have purpose and God-given missions to fulfill in your life.

    Apprentice Inspirements:

    We’ve spent the month of October discussing life missions. As you reflect on what you’ve learned, what have you learned about your life mission? Very few teens know many concrete details about their life mission. But you can still have impressions and ideas about the direction Heavenly Father would like you to take.

    Read the following three articles. Afterwards, reflect in your truth book on the following questions:

    1. How does your education relate to your life mission?
    2. What other preparations might you need to take for your life mission?
    3. What is something you could do right now to move toward the mission God has planned for you?
    4. Are there any changes you need to make in your life to take this step? (Consider how you spend your time, how you treat others, repenting of sins, other changes . . .)

     “Go Forth to Serve” by  Robert D. Hales (BYU Speech)

    “In His Steps” by President Ezra Taft Bensen

    “Choose Wisely” Elder Quentin L. Cook

    Loving this? Remember, Journeyman and Master level inspirements are just below for those who want to do MORE. :)

    Journeyman Inspirements:

    The roles of mother and father are divinely appointed callings and part of your eternal mission on this earth. After you read one of the following articles, answer the following questions in your truth book.

    1. How do you feel about your calling to be a mother or a father?
    2. What can you do now to prepare for this calling?

    For the girls:
    “Instrument in the Hands of God” by President James E. Faust

    For the boys:
    “Fatherhood, an Eternal Calling” by Elder L. Tom Perry


    Master Inspirements:

    Much of accomplishing a life mission is setting goals and doing what it takes accomplishing them. As you move toward your goals, you will often hit obstacles that seem difficult or impossible to overcome. Because Satan does not want you to accomplish good goals, he may use fear or despair to try and stop you.

    Prayerfully consider a goal that Heavenly Father would like you to achieve but that makes you feel afraid or overwhelmed. In your truth book, write down at least one specific thing you could do in the next week to accomplish that goal. Commit to accomplishing that specific task and follow through.

    After you complete the task, write down your thoughts in your truth book.

    Friday, October 17, 2014

    October 23

    Principle: You have purpose and God-given missions to fulfill in your life.

    The inspirements for Core Leadership are a little different this week.

    All levels – Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master Scholar – should complete all four activities. (See below)  If you are a Journeyman or Master scholar, take additional time to prayerfully ponder the assignments. Write any additional insights you receive in your truth book.

    NOTE:  For Those Who Missed Class (Oct 16), here’s what we did in class. (The inspirements are below.)

    We did an activity in class that I'd like you to do at home. Please take at least 10 to 15 minutes and ponder the following questions in your truth book. Then move on to the inspirements for this week.

    “When I was a little kid (ages 5 to 9), what did I like to do?”

    “When I have free time, what do I like to do now?”

    After you have considered these two questions, review what you have written. What spiritual gifts do you see? Look for both the obvious gifts as well as the subtle gifts.

    For example, if you like to gather the neighborhood kids together for a pickup basketball game, an obvious gift might be that you are good at basketball. Less obvious gifts might be the ability to inspire others to join an activity, the ability to encourage others to do their best, or the desire to improve skills in an activity you enjoy.


        1. If you have received it, prayerfully read your patriarchal blessing. In your truth book, list spiritual gifts that are mentioned or implied.
        If you have not received your patriarchal blessings, prayerfully consider if you should begin the process to receive it.
        2. Ask 3 to 5 people (at least two outside of your home) “Tell me about a moment when you saw me at my best.” Write the answers in your truth book.
        3. List your five favorite books and five favorite movies in your truth book. What are some common themes that you see in the stories that you listed? Write down these themes and any thoughts you have about them.
        4. Every day, others around you need help. Because you are a unique person, you will notice certain needs more than others. Think back to times when you have helped, or wished you could have helped others. Write about two or three of these situations in your truth book. Do you see any common themes? Write about what you notice.

    Thursday, October 9, 2014

    October 16

    Principle: You have purpose and God-given missions to fulfill in your life.

    Apprentice Inspirements:

    The following articles, scriptures, and activities will enhance your understanding of spiritual gifts and weaknesses. I have listed these in a particular order, and I recommend studying in the order that they are listed. If at all possible, please complete all three activities.

              1. Read “There Are Many Gifts” by Marvin J. Ashton, and Moroni 10: 8-19.
    In your truth book, note any spiritual gifts (either mentioned in these readings or your personal thoughts) that you feel might apply to you.

              2. Review and continue memorizing D&C 4 (you have until the end of October!)

    3. Watch at least two of the following videos. They are not in a particular order. Select the ones that seem the most interesting to you.
    For each video, list in your truth book spiritual gifts and talents that you see in action. Pay particular attention to both the obvious and the subtle gifts.

    Despoina’s Story – As one of six Latter-day Saint youth in Cyprus, Desponia’s standards are challenged daily. Desponia, a 15-year-old young woman, shares her conversion story and explains how she fills her life with faith to stand as a witness of God.

    Extraordinary Gift – Kuha’o, a blind 15-year-old boy prodigy, freely shares his God-given musical gift to bless the lifes of everyone who listens.

    God Will Lift Us Up – Rather than focus on her medical condition, Brittany has found comfort in serving others and trusting the Lord.

    Your Day for a Mission – At 18, Sid Going was a shoo-in for New Zealand’s national rugby team, but he chose to serve a mission first. Elder Neil L. Anderson tells why Sid made this decision and shares his testimony that the blessings of a mission outweigh any sacrifice.

    Dayton’s Legs” – Out of love, a 13-year-old boy in Arizona pushed himself to the limit so that his friend, who has cerebral palsy, could participate with him in a triathlon.

    195 Dresses” – Have you ever noticed how hard it is to find a modest prom dress? One young woman in Arizona came up with a solution for her community.

    No Cussing Club” – One boy’s crusade to encourage clean language has far-reaching effects.

    Loving this? Remember, Journeyman and Master level inspirements are just below for those who want to do MORE. :)



    • Read Ether 12:23-27 and Elder Bednar’s talk “In the Strength of the Lord.” (You can watch Elder Bednar’s talk if you prefer on YouTube.)  In your truth book, discuss how Elder Bednar’s explanation about the enabling and strengthening power of the atonement can help you with your weaknesses.

    Click here if you’d like to see the music video of David Archuleta’s song “Glorious” that is in the movie “Meet the Mormons.” (It’s the song Sister Perkey played in class.) You can also download a free mp3 of it on that same page, or at :)

    Thursday, September 25, 2014

    October 2 and 9

    Principle: You have purpose and God-given missions to fulfill in your life.

    Inspirement Assignments: *NOTE* You have TWO weeks to complete the following inspirements – they are due on October 9th. For next week, October 2nd, come ready to participate in an exciting simulation!

    Apprentice Inspirements:
        1. Read “Your Journey of Giving” by Elder Robert C. Gay in the September 2014 Ensign.
        2. Ponder the following question then write your thoughts in your Truth Book. What does it mean to you to be an instrument in the Lord's hands?
        3. Read D&C 4 and then review D&C 88:78-80 that you just finished memorizing. How are these two scriptures related? What does “called to the work” mean to you? Write your thoughts in your Truth Book.
        4. Begin memorizing D&C 4.

    Loving this? Remember, Journeyman and Master level inspirements are just below for those that want to do MORE. :)

    Journeyman (complete ONE of the following); Master (complete BOTH of the following):
    • Read Alma 26.
      Review the context of the story – who the main characters are, who is speaking, what has happened before in the story, etc.
      In your Truth Book, describe what you can learn from this story about accepting and fulfilling a life mission. Include scriptures – either quoted or paraphrased – that clarify these ideas.
    • Read “Personal Ministry: Sacred and Precious” by Bonnie D. Parkin (BYU Devotional Feb. 7, 2007)
      In your Truth Book, reflect on a time when you ministered to another person. What were the circumstances? Was it easy or hard? How did you feel afterward? As you think back on the experience, what can you learn about yourself and how you serve others?

    Friday, September 19, 2014

    September 25

    Principle: The true pathway of education is to acquire knowledge, act in understanding, and become intelligent.

    Inspirement Assignments: In preparation for our class on September 25th, everyone completes Apprentice Inspirements. You are all invited to challenge yourselves by doing a little more. See below for Journeyman and Master level inspirements.

    Apprentice Inspirements:

    1. Finish memorizing D&C 88:78-80.
    2. Julie B. Beck said that, "The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life" (April 2010). How could becoming really good at this one ability affect all aspects of your life - spiritually, academically, in your family, with friends? Write down your thoughts in your Truth Book.
    3. Watch this video on receiving revelation.
    4. Do a Word Study on "SEEK" in your Truth Book. As a reminder, here are the steps to doing a Word Study: 1) Select a key word to focus on. 2) Look it up in the Webster 1828 dictionary. Select the definition for my focus (sometimes there is more than one definition). 3) Write key words that stand out to you and define them. 4) Look at how it is used in Scripture/Conference addresses. (Not in general quotes or other articles, at least for this purpose...). 5) Application: re-write the definition in your own words and how you are going to apply it.
    Remember, Journeyman and Master level inpsirements are just below for those that want to do MORE :)

    Loving this? Do the Journeyman Inspirements:

    Journeyman Inspirement:
    Choose one of the following to do:
    • Read or listen to Elder Scott's talk Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge. Write some of your favorite quotes or paraphrase parts that are important to you in your Truth Book. If you’d rather create a poem, a piece of music, or some artistic creation to record your thoughts about this, that’s great too.
    • Create a collection or collage of quotes and scriptures about personal revelation (receiving answers to prayers, promptings of the Spirit) (check Feel free to illustrate your collection if you’d like.

    Want more challenge? Do the Inspirement for Master:

    Master Inspirement:
    • Focus on one area of your life for one week and seek inspiration specifically in that area, whether it be developing friendships, strengthening your faith, building your relationship with a family member, or accomplishing academic goals. Pray specifically for help and guidance in this area, listen for inspiration, and act on your impressions. Write about your experience in your Truth Book.
    • If you are comfortable sharing your experience and insights with the class, let Sister Miller know and she will invite you to take a few minutes to teach what you learned to our Core Leadership Class.

    Friday, September 12, 2014

    September 18

    Principle: The true pathway of education is to acquire knowledge, act in understanding, and become intelligent.

    Inspirement Assignments: In preparation for our class on September 18th, everyone completes Apprentice Inspirements. Starting this week you are all invited to accept the challenge to do a little more as you choose. Stretch yourself.

    Apprentice Inspirements:

    1. Continue memorizing D&C 88:78-80
    2. Read this article by President Hinckley. Record your thoughts about what President Hinckley says about learning in your Truth Book. What are some of your favorite quotes? Write them in your Truth Book. List the things you feel inspired to do after reading this article.
    3. Make a list in your truth book of some of the things you love to learn about. Then make a list of some of the things you have yet to learn about. Isn't it fun to realize that there is SO MUCH TO LEARN IN THIS WORLD?

    See below for Journeyman and Master level inspirements. They build on each other. Do the Apprentice work, then add the Journeyman if you choose, and then build Master onto that.


    Loving this? Do the Journeyman Inspirement below:
    Journeyman Inspirement:
    • Do you understand what a principle is? Watch this video where Audrey Rindlesbacher explains how to discern opinion from principle. What are some central principles you live your life by? List them in your Truth Book.

    Want more challenge? Do the Master Inspirement:

    Master Inspirement:
    • From your list of central principles (from Journeyman inspirement above), or from the principles listed in our ASA philosophy, choose one principle you would like to be better at living and actively practice it this week. Write about your experience in your Truth Book and come prepared to teach us about it in our class. Please let Sister Miller know you would like a couple minutes to do this in class.

    Monday, September 1, 2014

    Sept. 11

    We are at Vision Retreat this week!

    Remember to do your MISSION POSSIBLE preparation.

    That is, if you accept your mission! (Hear epic Mission Impossible music playing in background).




    Hey there, welcome to Core Leadership Class!
    Here are a few things you ought to know before class starts this Thursday:
    1. Bookmark this blog and have it handy. Refer to it each week. This is where your Inspirement assignments will be posted each Friday. You will need to check the blog, see what the assignments are, and do them in preparation for class the next week. The blog posts are titled for the date of the class you are preparing for.
    2. Inspirement? Is that even a word? Well, technically no. But it is now! It is a perfect word for what we want the assignments in this class to be for you - tools of inspiration. The idea is that as you work through each inspirement you will learn truth and feel inspired about the principle we are studying.
    3. We respect your agency to learn. No one is going to make you do the inspirements. But by signing up for this class you have signified that you choose to actively participate, which includes doing the inspirement assignments. You should plan on about an hour a week to work on the Apprentice inspirements. If you choose to do the Journeyman or Master level inspirements then you'll want to set aside more time. But don't worry - we think they will be fun! Coming to class prepared with complete inspirements will be not only be vital to your success, but to the success of the entire class. When people show up unprepared the entire learning environment suffers. If you regularly choose to not do the inspirements, you may be invited to drop the class until you are ready to do the work.
    4. Like our name says, we will be focusing on the core principles of leadership. You were sent on the earth to lead out in one way or another to make the world a better place. Good leaders base their action on true principles. Each month we will study one of these core principles of leadership. You will be invited to see how these principles relate to all areas of study.
    Ok, I think that's it. We are so looking forward to our time together in Core Leadership Class.

    Sister LaRayne Miller and Sister Myra Johnson

    Sept. 4

    Principle: The true pathway of education is to acquire knowledge, act in understanding, and become intelligent.

    Inspirement Assignments

    In preparation for class on Sept. 4th, do the following:

    1. Start memorizing D&C 88:78-80
    2. Learn what Aspire Scholar Academy's founding educational ideas are by reading all about it at our web site,, under the "Philosophy" tab here. Come prepared to teach each other what you learned about Agency, Principles, Knowledge/Understanding/Intelligence, and learing through the 4 lenses.
    3. Watch this video. Do you agree with the ideas presented here? How do you learn best? How is this similar to the ideas in our founding philosophy from our web site? How do you think we can best implement these ideas at ASA?