Friday, September 19, 2014

September 25

Principle: The true pathway of education is to acquire knowledge, act in understanding, and become intelligent.

Inspirement Assignments: In preparation for our class on September 25th, everyone completes Apprentice Inspirements. You are all invited to challenge yourselves by doing a little more. See below for Journeyman and Master level inspirements.

Apprentice Inspirements:

  1. Finish memorizing D&C 88:78-80.
  2. Julie B. Beck said that, "The ability to qualify for, receive, and act on personal revelation is the single most important skill that can be acquired in this life" (April 2010). How could becoming really good at this one ability affect all aspects of your life - spiritually, academically, in your family, with friends? Write down your thoughts in your Truth Book.
  3. Watch this video on receiving revelation.
  4. Do a Word Study on "SEEK" in your Truth Book. As a reminder, here are the steps to doing a Word Study: 1) Select a key word to focus on. 2) Look it up in the Webster 1828 dictionary. Select the definition for my focus (sometimes there is more than one definition). 3) Write key words that stand out to you and define them. 4) Look at how it is used in Scripture/Conference addresses. (Not in general quotes or other articles, at least for this purpose...). 5) Application: re-write the definition in your own words and how you are going to apply it.
Remember, Journeyman and Master level inpsirements are just below for those that want to do MORE :)

Loving this? Do the Journeyman Inspirements:

Journeyman Inspirement:
Choose one of the following to do:
  • Read or listen to Elder Scott's talk Acquiring Spiritual Knowledge. Write some of your favorite quotes or paraphrase parts that are important to you in your Truth Book. If you’d rather create a poem, a piece of music, or some artistic creation to record your thoughts about this, that’s great too.
  • Create a collection or collage of quotes and scriptures about personal revelation (receiving answers to prayers, promptings of the Spirit) (check Feel free to illustrate your collection if you’d like.

Want more challenge? Do the Inspirement for Master:

Master Inspirement:
  • Focus on one area of your life for one week and seek inspiration specifically in that area, whether it be developing friendships, strengthening your faith, building your relationship with a family member, or accomplishing academic goals. Pray specifically for help and guidance in this area, listen for inspiration, and act on your impressions. Write about your experience in your Truth Book.
  • If you are comfortable sharing your experience and insights with the class, let Sister Miller know and she will invite you to take a few minutes to teach what you learned to our Core Leadership Class.

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