Principle: Self-government in and through Christ leads to liberty.
It was sure great to visit with you all last week in Core Leadership. We had a great discussion about the more 'outward' aspects of leadership. We talked about how a person needs to be neat and comely, confident and friendly, why missionaries don't go out in clusters, why seminary teachers dress the way they do, and how even voice lessons and a new hairdo can make all the difference in topping off a person's ability to lead. (Margaret Thatcher in "The Iron Lady")
We only have a few short weeks left of classes and we want to make sure you all finish strong!! Work hard this month to read the whole book of "How to Win Friends and Influence People." You will always be SO glad you did!
The requirements for earning Apprentice, Journeyman, and Master level work are as follows:
Apprentice: Read an hour's worth of the readings
Journeyman: Finish the readings
Master: Finish the readings and write your thoughts and insights/inspirations in your Truth Book about the readings in a meaningful way. Remember, this is YOUR education!
The inspirement for this week is to read the fourth installment of "How to Win Friends and Influence People," Part III chapters 7-12.
Please set yourself the lofty goal of achieving Master level work this week! EVERYONE can do this! So we challenge EVERYONE to earn Master level this week! Which means: Finish the readings AND write your thoughts in your Truth Book in a meaningful way. There will be a special treat for all who do! :)
Leadership Class
to Win Friends and Influence People
by Dale
ChaptersHave them read by:Part I Chpt 1-3 (44 pgs)April 2Part II Chpt 1-6 (54 pgs)April 9 (Spring Break but read anyway!)Part III Chpt 1-6 (45 pgs)April 16Part III Chpt 7-12 (35 pgs)April 23Part IV Chpt 1-9 (43 pgs)April 30
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