Friday, October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015 - Class #7

Yeah!  Three more added to the Hall of Fame for completing their 28 day challenge!  What if you're not there yet?  What are those thoughts going on in your head?  Recognize where the negative thoughts are coming from, and just keep on acting!  

Today we went a little deeper on the chemical scale, and did a fun simulation to help you learn the levels and to recognize these levels in your own life.  

Level 0:  Peace, joy, the spirit - empowered
Level 1: Chemical Spill - "Eh" don't care, don't wanna (Physical reaction)
Level 2: Negative mood (Feelings) 

Level 3: Dude! You should..  rationalization (Words / First Thoughts)
Level 4: Irrational Conversation (More Words / Thoughts ) 
Level 5: Forget it moment (Actions) 

If you don't check yourself by the time you reach level 5, you will fall off the scale and go into the higher levels (6 means you lost a battle, 7 is numb, 8 is feeling guilty, 9 is shame, and 10 is repeat or repent.)  The higher you go on the scale, the more difficult it is to get back to 0.

We also got a great list of Satan's favorite thoughts for you to have, including "I don't want to, I'm not good at it, I can't do it, etc.)  See the HANDOUTS page if you missed this.  

Pay attention to what you are thinking and how you are feeling and see if you can tell where you are on the chemical scale.  If you lose a battle (you let yourself "forget it"), get back to 0 as quickly as possible.  We have been teaching you lots of ways for you to "get into the mood".  You can do it!  

*Work on your PWR Goals.  Add your WIN goals by emailing your captain and starting if you're at that point!

*Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling, and determine where you on on the chemical scale.  If you're beating yourself up, recognize where that comes from, and change those thoughts!  

*Make a list of actions that help you feel in the mood, raise your energy, feel empowered, puts in you in your "prefrontal cortex."  

If you are missing any pages for your binder, you can find most of them on the HANDOUTS page 

Friday, October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015 - Class #6

We have amazing students in our class, don't we?  This week, we had 8 more students finish the 28 day challenge.  See them in the HALL OF FAME

We can feel more positive energy in different places in the room. We also feel more good energy when we come on time.  Where will you sit next week to get the most out of class?

Are you putting on the whole armor of God?  Defeat those negative voices with your Valor Verses!  Because those negative thoughts are NOT you.  You are a warrior!

This week, we learned about the chemical scale.  The chemical scale is a measurement of how we think and feel.  This is important to notice in our lives, because as we pay attention, we can SEE how satan is trying to make us forget.  If we can recognize it in ourselves, we have power to do something about it.  That is empowering, because now you can change instead of blaming others or your circumstances. 

Level 0:  Peace, joy, the spirit - empowered
Level 1: Chemical Spill - "Eh" don't care, don't wanna (Physical reaction)
Level 2: Negative mood (Feelings) 
Level 3: Dude! You should..  rationalization (Words / First Thoughts)
Level 4: Irrational Conversation (More Words / Thoughts ) 
Level 5: Forget it moment (Actions) 

If you don't check yourself by the time you reach level 5, you will fall off the scale and go into the higher levels (6 means you lost a battle, 7 is numb, 8 is feeling guilty, 9 is shame, and 10 is repeat or repent.)  The higher you go on the scale, the more difficult it is to get back to 0.

Pay attention to what you are thinking and how you are feeling and see if you can tell where you are on the chemical scale.  If you lose a battle (you let yourself "forget it"), get back to 0 as quickly as possible.  We have been teaching you lots of ways for you to "get into the mood" as Layton put it (aka, back to level 0!)  

*Work on your PWR Goals.  Add your WIN goals by emailing your captain and starting if you're at that point!

*Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling, and determine where you on on the chemical scale.  

*Make a list of actions that help you feel in the mood, raise your energy, feel empowered, puts in you in your "prefrontal cortex."  

If you are missing any pages for your binder, you can find most of them on the HANDOUTS page.  

Friday, October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015 - Class #5

We have a division of amazing warriors!  We had 10 reach the first challenge of getting 28 days (7 days of Pray/Read, 7 days of Pray,Write, Read and 14 days of WIN/PWR goals.)  Check out the Hall of Fame! 

Today we learned about a cycle we call the "Satanic Spin" because Satan can "flash" things into our brains to cause our chemicals to be "off" which leads to negative feelings and then negative thoughts.  This is good to notice so we can break that cycle and WIN our goals.  

You can see how this works with your brain with the hand model (see the video above.)  Your brain is made up of basically three parts:  The brain stem which keeps you alive/surviving, the limbic system which is where develop habits, and the frontal cortex, which is where you make decisions. The trick is to do those things to keep you in your prefrontal cortex, because that's where you remember your values.  If you allow negative emotions and thoughts to come up without stopping them, you may "flip your lid" and act in a way that doesn't line up with your values - and that's because you aren't in your prefrontal cortex anymore.  

What keeps you in your prefrontal cortex?  praying, reading your scriptures, writing, declarations, movement, music, working toward goals, etc.  That's why we do those things in class!  The more you choose to do those actions, the more power you will feel, so do them at home too!  


*Work on your PWR Goals.  Add your WIN goals by emailing your captain and starting if you're at that point!
*Notice how you are thinking and feeling during the week - especially the negative emotions and thoughts.   If you let that negative energy stay in you, you are being "spun" by Satan.    

*When you do an action to put you in your "prefrontal cortex", notice how that makes you feel.  Try writing your own list of activities you can do to get you in that positive energy, so you have a go-to list when you need it.  
*For a better description of the satanic spin, read the handouts that you got in class today, and fill in the worksheet from lesson #2.  The satanic spin chart is also on page 121 of your journal.

If you are missing any pages for your binder, you can find most of them on the HANDOUTS page.  

Friday, October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015 - Class #4

Wow!  We are so impressed at how well you are doing!  If you feel like you're struggling, you have a team to cheer you on.  And think about what it is that is holding you back.  Why aren't you doing it?  You can do this!  

We realize that some of you struggle with writing.  The goal is to just write SOMETHING, in a letter to Heavenly Father or to a future spouse.  This can just be a few words if that is all you can do.  Some other things you may want to try:  Copy a scripture or words to a hymn in your journal (those can be in a letter to Heavenly Father).  Or, if typing is easier, type it, print it and glue it in your journal.  Don't let it stop you, you can train your body to do what your spirit wants you to do.   


We are on the winning team - because we have bodies! 

Don't let those voices in your head tell you that you can't or you're not good enough.  Remember who you are, which is a son or daughter of God.  And because of that, you are enough! 

You are in that small percentage of people who sets goals and works towards them!  That is because you know who you are and because you are learning to focus your mind. 


(1) Find a quiet place where you can think, ponder and pray. 
(2)  List goals that will help YOU achieve what YOU want from yourself that will help you remember who you really are and discover your divine mission and purpose.  
--Even small goals that may not seem important can help you become who you want to be.  Any self-improvement goal where you must make your body act will help you! 
(3) Pick your top 6-9 goals.  3 should be Praying, Writing and Reading. 
(4) With your top choices, ask for each goal:
     What am I trying to accomplish with this goal? 

     Why is this important to me? 
(5)  Pray about this list of goals to know which are most important to choose now. 
(6)  Choose your 3 PWR goals and 3 WIN goals through inspiration. 

Make sure your goals are SMART goals.  Use the sheets you got in class today to determine if they are.  They need to be: 
Specific - "Be nice" is general.  "Give someone a compliment each day" is specific
Measurable - How do you know when you've completed them? 
Attainable - can you really do it?  
Relevant - Why is it important?
Timebound - How much, how long? 

WIN Goals should be something you do at least 4 times a week.  

Sunday, October 4, 2015

October 2, 2015 - Class #3

Today in class, we learned to feel more powerful just by changing our poses.  If you ever feel unmotivated, just strike a “power pose”  and you’ll feel more energy!  

We also discussed more about these daily challenges we are doing.  If we can choose to make our bodies ACT on these small actions every day, we are preparing ourselves to choose the right when the big challenges come along.  We are all in teams to encourage and cheer each other on!  This is a No-Shame Zone!  

Death crawl scene from Facing the Giants

On your goals, all we ask is Do Your Best.  What is your best? Consider that after watching this video. It’s probably more than you think you can do, but  no making excuses!

To get the 28 day challenge, complete: 
Challenge #1 Pray and Read
7 days in a row of praying morning and night and reading the Book of Mormon
Challenge #2 PWR goals - Pray, Write and Read 
  7 days in a row of Praying morning and night, Writing something in your power journal, and Reading the Book of Mormon 
Challenge #3 WIN goals and PWR goals 
14 days in a row of 3 WIN goals plus Praying morning and night, Writing something in your power journal, and Reading the Book of Mormon  

Be sure to TRACK YOUR PROGRESS by writing it down in your journal!  Get initials from someone who is accountable.  

For your WIN goals, be sure to email your captain before beginning so they can help you achieve the most success with your goals!