Our warriors keep fighting! We had more join our Hall of Fame for the first time, and others added again. Check it out! Keep on going over Christmas break, don't stop now!
Still have people getting 28 days, and today, some completed their THIRD set of 28 days. See them in the HALL OF FAME. Don't worry if you haven't gotten your first challenge yet, just keep at it! You WANT this! You are going to WIN!
Heavenly Father created a plan. We were not sent down here on earth without a plan, Heavenly Father has set an example of the importance of a plan. May we follow His plan. May we create a plan with Heavenly Father to win our daily battles, (border patrol, bttle strategy, flagpole drills, checkpoints).
Yay! More 28 dayers! Check out the amazing youth in the Hall of Fame. Not there yet? You're amazing too, but keep going and give your brain some proof of that by finishing your 28 days! You can do it! This week, pay attention to physiological changes in your body. That occurs when you think or feel something. You may not have even noticed this! We can feel physical changes when we watch something that remind us of who we are, such as the Because of Him video. Satan can cause physical changes in our bodies too, by giving us "flashes" that trigger negative thoughts or feelings. We don't even notice this, but they do cause slight changes in our bodies. Notice the changes in our bodies - they are really good at giving us signals. If you don't pay attention, you can start drifting away from your goals and you don't even notice. What activities cause you to drift? In the scriptures, it tells us that we need to stay awake. This means that we need to stay spiritually awake - we need to remember who we really are. Our spirits are who we really are, not our bodies. Our bodies want comfort, our spirits want to do what is right and be amazing! When you're in your comfort zone, you aren't really comfortable because you KNOW you're not living up to your potential. You're drifting. Do good things out of your comfort zone every day. We also learned how we are like a bottle of pop. Satan may come by, give us a flash (or a shake) which triggers some thoughts or feelings. We'll also have a physiological reaction before that. If we an notice when the shake first happens, we can stop it. But if we don't we'll keep getting shakes until we blow up. Notice this, and notice what is triggering you.
We must be VIGILANT! Remember, the word vigilant comes from the Latin word meaning "keep awake" How do we do this? With our PWR goals and by doing things that remind us of who we are and activate our warrior chemistry.
Keep going on your goals, and report 14 days the next time we meet!
More people have gotten 28 days and have been added to the Hall of Fame! Woohoo! Keep up the good work. If you aren't feeling motivated, try some of the things we do in class to GET motivated!
How will you create your day? What attitude are you going to choose - no matter what happens? How will you create happiness today?
Are you just drifting along? How do you know when you are drifting away?
Have you heard these voices: "It's _____ fault!" or "I don't care, it's dumb anyway."
Have you felt grumpy or out of sorts and everything bugs you?
How soon can you notice where you are on the chemical scale? Can you train your body to realize when your brain is being altered?
Emotions and thoughts can cause Physiological Reactions (physical reaction due to chemical shifts in your brain/body - which can be caused by your thoughts and emotions.)
This week we had more people joining the Hall of Fame for getting 28 days - and some have gotten 28 days TWICE! If you're one of those people who is struggling a bit to get your 28 days, please don't get discouraged. We all have different strengths and weaknesses. Just power up your warrior chemistry and get DETERMINED to do it! (It took Sister Christensen 4 months - you will take your own amount of time to become determined enough to complete 28 days.) We learned how agency is affected by biochemical factors this week. What does that even mean? Keep reading...
A'GENCY, noun [Latin agens. See Act.]
1. The quality of moving or of exerting power; the state of being in action; action; operation; instrumentality; as, the agency of providence in the natural world.
2. The office of an agent, or factor; business of an agent entrusted with the concerns of another; as, the principal pays the charges of agency
Who’s our principal? - Jesus Christ
Biochemical Factors in the Brain:
Anytime we experience something, the brain will react to it’s intensity
Positive / Negative - it’s by the intensity of which various chemicals are released
When these chemicals are released, we need to exercise agency (choose)
Negative Chemicals
-- We need to activate positive chemicals in our limbic system (ie: deep
breathing, relaxation techniques)
-- We need to activate positive chemicals in our frontal cortex/
Our choices can heal the brain, and create new neurological pathways thus breaking cycles of negative beliefs and creating for ourselves positive / healthier outcomes.
It takes careful training to accurately change the neurological structures of the brain and chemical patterns.
ACT - Strategy to win
Access - How do I feel? (biochemical warfare engaged) What do I hear?
Combat phase
Engage PLAN - remember the enemy, remember who you are, remember why are you fighting, be determined to win
Tell or Thanks
Spiritually speaking, do not forget that there is a malicious and intelligent entity behind all this. Satan knows about your neurological structures. Satan knows about your body chemistry. Satan knows about your potential on this planet. He is very strategic in his efforts to derail us.
Alma 50:1 -6 What shall you choose?
1 And now it came to pass that Moroni did not stop making preparations for war, or to defend his people against the Lamanites; for he caused that his armies should commence in the commencement of the twentieth year of the reign of the judges, that they should commence in digging up heaps of earth round about all the cities, throughout all the land which was possessed by the Nephites.
2 And upon the top of these ridges of earth he caused that there should be timbers, yea, works of timbers built up to the height of a man, round about the cities.
3 And he caused that upon those works of timbers there should be a frame of pickets built upon the timbers round about; and they were strong and high.
4 And he caused towers to be erected that overlooked those works of pickets, and he caused places of security to be built upon those towers, that the stones and the arrows of the Lamanites could not hurt them.
5 And they were prepared that they could cast stones from the top thereof, according to their pleasure and their strength, and slay him who should attempt to approach near the walls of the city.
6 Thus Moroni did prepare strongholds against the coming of their enemies, round about every city in all the land.
My Border Patrol - increase awareness
Report for Duty
-- Prayer of Thanks - thanks, general things I need help with
-- Vision board, look at my calendar for the day, to do list (includes 6 goals,
something from vision board)
-- Morning prayer - help me to win, ask for discernment, specific
Read -
Write -
Use / Do - listen to my drive statements/declarations, listening to uplifting music, staying connected with Heavenly Father throughout the day - looking for signs, give thanks, do 3 WIN goals, follow the promptings of the spirit,
Return & Report
Look at my calendar for the day, to do list (includes 6 goals)
-- Night prayers - give thanks, these are the things I did well or noticed, things
I didn’t do well - ask for help. Have a prayerful planning session with Heavenly
Father in creating your day for tomorrow. Remember he wants you to succeed!
Woohoo! Lots of people add to the Hall of Fame today! AND, Blue Team Girls rock! Their whole team has gotten 28 days, so everyone in the whole class gets Frosties next week. If you're not there yet, PLEASE don't give up. You can do this!
This week, we learned about Warrior Chemistry. Warrior chemistry is our antidote to the chemical spills that happen when we get satanic flashes. It's what motivates us to move for what is right. When we have our warrior chemistry activated, it moves us to action to do what is right. We are determined to succeed, we love others!
Heavenly Father created males to be the protectors and guardians of His daughters and children. Notice if you are feeling annoyed with any females or little kids in your life! Females were created to be compassionate nurturers of children. Notice when you aren't feeling compassionate! How do you activate your warrior chemistry when you notice yourself starting to go down the chemical scale? Declarations Music Get up and move PWR actions Visualize yourself as a warrior Inspirational videos (Check out this website!) Write or say WHY you are fighting Say out loud that you are a warrior! Strike a power pose Cheer for someone Serve someone (Especially women and children if you're a guy, anyone if you're a girl)
Yeah! Three more added to the Hall of Fame for completing their 28 day challenge! What if you're not there yet? What are those thoughts going on in your head? Recognize where the negative thoughts are coming from, and just keep on acting!
Today we went a little deeper on the chemical scale, and did a fun simulation to help you learn the levels and to recognize these levels in your own life.
CHEMICAL SCALE Level 0: Peace, joy, the spirit - empowered Level 1: Chemical Spill - "Eh" don't care, don't wanna (Physical reaction) Level 2: Negative mood (Feelings)
Level 3: Dude! You should.. rationalization (Words / First Thoughts)
Level 4: Irrational Conversation (More Words / Thoughts )
Level 5: Forget it moment (Actions)
If you don't check yourself by the time you reach level 5, you will fall off the scale and go into the higher levels (6 means you lost a battle, 7 is numb, 8 is feeling guilty, 9 is shame, and 10 is repeat or repent.) The higher you go on the scale, the more difficult it is to get back to 0.
We also got a great list of Satan's favorite thoughts for you to have, including "I don't want to, I'm not good at it, I can't do it, etc.) See the HANDOUTS page if you missed this.
Pay attention to what you are thinking and how you are feeling and see if you can tell where you are on the chemical scale. If you lose a battle (you let yourself "forget it"), get back to 0 as quickly as possible. We have been teaching you lots of ways for you to "get into the mood". You can do it!
HOMEWORK *Work on your PWR Goals. Add your WIN goals by emailing your captain and starting if you're at that point! *Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling, and determine where you on on the chemical scale. If you're beating yourself up, recognize where that comes from, and change those thoughts! *Make a list of actions that help you feel in the mood, raise your energy, feel empowered, puts in you in your "prefrontal cortex."
If you are missing any pages for your binder, you can find most of them on the HANDOUTS page.
We have amazing students in our class, don't we? This week, we had 8 more students finish the 28 day challenge. See them in the HALL OF FAME. We can feel more positive energy in different places in the room. We also feel more good energy when we come on time. Where will you sit next week to get the most out of class?
Are you putting on the whole armor of God? Defeat those negative voices with your Valor Verses! Because those negative thoughts are NOT you. You are a warrior!
This week, we learned about the chemical scale. The chemical scale is a measurement of how we think and feel. This is important to notice in our lives, because as we pay attention, we can SEE how satan is trying to make us forget. If we can recognize it in ourselves, we have power to do something about it. That is empowering, because now you can change instead of blaming others or your circumstances.
CHEMICAL SCALE Level 0: Peace, joy, the spirit - empowered Level 1: Chemical Spill - "Eh" don't care, don't wanna (Physical reaction) Level 2: Negative mood (Feelings)
Level 3: Dude! You should.. rationalization (Words / First Thoughts)
Level 4: Irrational Conversation (More Words / Thoughts )
Level 5: Forget it moment (Actions)
If you don't check yourself by the time you reach level 5, you will fall off the scale and go into the higher levels (6 means you lost a battle, 7 is numb, 8 is feeling guilty, 9 is shame, and 10 is repeat or repent.) The higher you go on the scale, the more difficult it is to get back to 0.
Pay attention to what you are thinking and how you are feeling and see if you can tell where you are on the chemical scale. If you lose a battle (you let yourself "forget it"), get back to 0 as quickly as possible. We have been teaching you lots of ways for you to "get into the mood" as Layton put it (aka, back to level 0!)
HOMEWORK *Work on your PWR Goals. Add your WIN goals by emailing your captain and starting if you're at that point! *Pay attention to what you are thinking and feeling, and determine where you on on the chemical scale. *Make a list of actions that help you feel in the mood, raise your energy, feel empowered, puts in you in your "prefrontal cortex." If you are missing any pages for your binder, you can find most of them on the HANDOUTS page.